Summary of the root of misogyny in the muslim community

Raheemat Rafiu
2 min readJan 2, 2021

“Muslim women who demand for respect from their husbands are not different from kafirs, and are in fact very dangerous to the deen of their husbands. Husbands of these women have to take extra caution, lest their wives lead them into Jahannam (Hell-Fire)” said a “scholar”…E shock you ?, E shock me too…

Wonder why there are so many misogynistic fatwas upgrading the level of the muslim men while exponentially degrading that of the muslim women, or why many muslim men will never agree that there is any misogyny in the muslim community, let alone seek knowledge and speak against it?

They are conditioned to never change their misogynistic views, lest they trade their Jannah for advocating for the God-given rights of muslim women. Some muslim men dwell in the abode of their scholars, no questioning, no reasoning, just quotes…scholar “so so so” said “………………..” and that is on, period…

If someone were to invite me to compromise my beautiful space in Jannah, I will be defensive too, and ensure I cling to my views no matter what. This is exactly why the war against misogyny seems like a very long one with an exceedingly disproportionate growth…

Some men believe supporting muslim women rights = Liberalism; Liberalism = Kufr; Kufr = Jahannam. Hence, even if they will twist the words of Allah, they will rather degrade the rights of the muslim women…

Regardless, the awareness will ever continue, and no bullyiyyah (bully) will chase us away from this. When I write and speak against Gender-Based Violence, misogyny, rape etc… I do it for my sisters, so that they are aware of the type of “muslim brothers” out there and how lowly they think of their own sisters in the deen…

